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GLOBAL INVESTMENTS LIMITED has a TrustScore of 76. Businesses in this range are generally considered reliable. However, it's still advisable to conduct reasonable checks before engaging in transactions.
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There were six primary-listed stocks conducting share buybacks over the five sessions with a total consideration of S$703,050, down from the S$23,615,439 in consideration for the previous week. Global Investments, GP Industries and Eurosports Global led the consideration tally.
In April, 19 companies bought back 29.6 million shares or units for a total amount of S$35.5 million. The latest buyback amount has fallen from March 2019’s figure of S$53.5 million and is down significantly from April 2018’s amount of S$117 million. The data was released by the Singapore Exchange in a report recently.
5 May 2019
There were 15 primary-listed stocks conducting share buybacks over the five sessions ended March 28. The consideration totalled S$11.0 million, similar to the S$11.1 million for the preceding five sessions. Buyback consideration was again led by Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation and Hong Fok Corporation, with Singapore Post, Global Investments and Bumitama Agri making up the remainder of the top five by buyback consideration.
There were 12 primary-listed stocks conducting share buybacks over the five sessions ended March 21. The consideration totalLed S$11.1 million, less than the S$15.2 million for the preceding five sessions. Buyback consideration was led by Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Hong Fok Corporation, Singapore Exchange, Singapore Post and Global Investments. Aspen (Group) Holdings also conducted its first share buyback on March 21, after the mandate was approved on Jan 29.
There were 16 stocks conducting share buybacks over the five sessions ending March 14. The consideration totalled S$15.2 million, similar to the S$15.2 million for the preceding five sessions. Buyback consideration was led by Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, CSE Global, Hong Fok Corporation, Singapore Exchange and Global Investments.