Trust level is moderate, caution is advised.
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AUGUSTA INVESTMENTS II PTE. LTD. has a TrustScore of 51. Businesses in this range may have certain aspects that warrant closer inspection. Verify all information carefully before proceeding with transactions.
Our preliminary analysis has revealed key insights about AUGUSTA INVESTMENTS II PTE. LTD.'s performance and market presence. Here‘s a summary of our findings:
Has been operational for several years
Official business profile found on major search engines
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The IPO comprises of issue of equity shares of Northern Arc Capital Limited (the "company" or the comprising a fresh issue aggregating up to ₹3,000 million and an offer for sale of up to 36,520,585 equity shares of which up to 8,987,093 equity shares by Leapfrog Financial Inclusion India (II) Ltd, up to 2,310,191 equity shares by Accion Africa-Asia Investment Company, up to 7,076,499 equity shares by Augusta Investments II PTE. Ltd., up to 4,083,812 equity shares by Eight Roads Investments Mauritius II Limited, up to 3,864,160 equity shares by Dvara Trust, up to 5,041,455 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund, up to 1,231,710 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 2, up to 541,805 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 3, up to 1,862,128 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 4 and up to 1,521,732 equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 5. The offer includes a reservation for subscription by eligible employees not exceeding 5% of the Company's post-offer paid-up equity share capital. The Company may, at its discretion, consider issuing equity shares on a private placement basis for cash consideration aggregating up to ₹1,500 million, prior to filing of the Red Herring Prospectus with the ROC (the "Pre-IPO placement").
The OFS includes 89.8 lakh equity shares by Leapfrog Financial Inclusion India (II), up to 23.1 lakh equity shares by Accion Africa-Asia Investment Company, up to 70.7 lakh equity shares by Augusta Investments II PTE. Ltd., up to 40.8 lakh equity shares by Eight Road Investments Mauritius II Limited, up to 38.6 lakh equity shares by Dvara Trust, up to 50.4 lakh equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund, up to 12.3 lakh equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 2, up to 5.4 lakh equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 3, up to 18.6 lakh equity shares by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 4 and up to 15.2 lakh equity by IIFL Special Opportunities Fund - Series 5.