Payment-for-Intimacy scams involve fraudsters manipulating individuals into making payments under the false pretense of engaging in intimate or compromising activities.
Scammers make false allegations of engagement in intimate activities and threaten to expose the victim unless a payment is made.
Victims may be led to believe that compromising evidence exists.
Scammers demand immediate payment, often using fear and embarrassment to coerce victims into complying.
They may threaten to share fabricated evidence with friends, family, or colleagues.
Scammers use emotional manipulation to create a sense of urgency and panic, making victims more likely to make payments without thinking rationally.
They may exploit feelings of shame or embarrassment.
Take a step back and critically assess the legitimacy of the allegations. Scammers often use false claims to manipulate victims.
Take a step back and critically assess the legitimacy of the allegations. Scammers often use false claims to manipulate victims.
Do not succumb to threats or fear tactics. Contact law enforcement and seek advice if you believe you are a victim of extortion.
Secure your personal information and online accounts. Change passwords and enable two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.