Online Shopping Scam

Online shopping scams involve fraudulent schemes designed to deceive consumers during the online purchasing process. Scammers exploit the trust individuals place in e-commerce platforms to gain financial benefits unlawfully.

Online Shopping Scam

How is an Online Shopping Scam Executed

1. Fake Websites

Scammers create realistic-looking online stores to lure unsuspecting shoppers.

Victims make purchases by providing payment information on these fake websites, where the fraudsters have no intention of fulfilling the orders for the promised goods/services

2. Counterfeit Products

Fraudsters may sell counterfeit or non-existent products.

Shoppers receive substandard or completely different items than what was advertised.

3. Phishing Emails

Scammers send fake promotional emails or order confirmations to obtain personal information.

Unsuspecting individuals click on malicious links, compromising their sensitive data.

What to Look Out For

Verify the legitimacy of online stores by checking for customer reviews, secure payment options, and a physical address.

How to Protect Yourself

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    Research the Seller

    Investigate the reputation of the online store and seller before making a purchase.

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    Use Secure Payment Methods

    Opt for secure payment options and avoid sharing sensitive information through unsecured channels.

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    Keep Software Updated

    Regularly update your device's operating system and antivirus software to protect against vulnerabilities.

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    Trust Your Instincts

    If something feels off or too good to be true, reconsider making the purchase.

Scam Reports for Online Shopping Scam

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