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YINSON ELECTRIC PTE. LTD. has a TrustScore of 66. Our system is actively collecting and analyzing information about this business. Additional data points are being verified and processed.
Our preliminary analysis has revealed key insights about YINSON ELECTRIC PTE. LTD.'s performance and market presence. Here‘s a summary of our findings:
Has been operational for several years
Official business profile found on major search engines
6. In January 2024, MPA announced three vessel charging concepts to be piloted in Singapore following the call for proposal3 to develop, operate, and maintain e-HC charging points in Singapore. The proposal by Pyxis and SP Mobility based on Direct Current (DC) charging has been deployed at Marina South Pier in April 2024. In addition, MPA has also assessed potential in the innovative mobile charging concept proposed by Seatrium O&G (International) Pte Ltd, and a high power (350-450kW) DC Charger proposed by Yinson Electric Pte Ltd. MPA will continue working with the two companies to further develop their proposals for future applications in Singapore through R&D collaboration.
In January 2024, MPA announced three vessel charging concepts to be piloted in Singapore following the call for proposal to develop, operate, and maintain e-HC charging points in Singapore. The proposal by Pyxis and SP Mobility based on Direct Current (DC) charging has been deployed at Marina South Pier in April 2024. In addition, MPA has also assessed potential in the innovative mobile charging concept proposed by Seatrium O&G (International) Pte Ltd, and a high power (350-450kW) DC Charger proposed by Yinson Electric Pte Ltd. MPA will continue working with the two companies to further develop their proposals for future applications in Singapore through R&D collaboration.
7. Mr Dean Cher, Head (Mobility), Sustainable Energy Solutions, SP Group, said, “We are committed to leading the decarbonisation of the transport sector, from land to sea, cars to harbour craft. This very first public marine charging point at Marina South Pier is a small but important step in providing the marine industry with decarbonisation options and our partnership with Pyxis will lead the way to wider e-HC adoption in Singapore.” 8. In addition to the Pyxis and SP Mobility partnership, MPA has also awarded an innovative mobile charging concept proposed by Seatrium O&G (International) Pte Ltd, and a high power (350-450 kW) DC Charger proposed by Yinson Electric Pte Ltd. MPA will continue to work with the two companies to further develop their proposals for applications in Singapore. 9. From 2030, all new harbour craft operating in the Port of Singapore will have to be fully electric, be capable of using B100 biofuel, or be compatible with net zero fuels such as hydrogen. For biofuels, blends of up to B50 are already commercially available. MPA is working with industry to develop the standards for up to B100.
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Scam.SG's TrustScore is an AI-driven engine that evaluates a business's trustworthiness by analysing data such as customer feedback, behavioral patterns, and compliance records. This comprehensive assessment results in a numerical score reflecting the entity's reliability.