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RL EAST PTE. LTD. has a TrustScore of 51. Businesses in this range may have certain aspects that warrant closer inspection. Verify all information carefully before proceeding with transactions.
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It added that its wholly-owned subsidiary RL East has signed an agreement for the deal. Cushman & Wakefield told The Business Times that the seller is SL Cheong. (see clarification note) The freehold site will be acquired via the purchase of the 9,999-year leasehold estate interest in the 30 strata lots on the site, Roxy-Pacific said. The property developer will finance the acquisition with internal funds and bank borrowings. In 2018, The Business Times reported that the property was put up for sale at an indicative price of S$99 million.
Property and hospitality group Roxy-Pacific Holdings' wholly-owned subsidiary RL East will fork out $93 million to acquire a freehold residential development site near the Aljunied and Mountbatten MRT stations. Located at 217-223A Guillemard Road and 1-21A Jalan Molek, the property occupies a total land area of about 3,450 square metres (sq m) or 37,131 square feet (sq ft). This will be the largest private residential transaction in the year to date, said Shaun Poh, Cushman & Wakefield's (C&W) executive director of capital markets.
19 November 2020