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SEMBCORP SMART ENERGY SOLUTIONS VIETNAM PTE. LTD. has a TrustScore of 56. Our system is actively collecting and analyzing information about this business. Additional data points are being verified and processed.
Our preliminary analysis has revealed key insights about SEMBCORP SMART ENERGY SOLUTIONS VIETNAM PTE. LTD.'s performance and market presence. Here‘s a summary of our findings:
Has been operational for several years
Official business profile found on major search engines
Sembcorp Smart Energy Solutions Vietnam (Sembcorp), a newly incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Industries is pleased to announce it has signed a joint venture agreement with Becamex IDC Corporation (Becamex) and Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park J.V. Co (VSIP) to introduce a new generation of sustainable smart energy solutions to Vietnam. The tripartite partnership will see a range of energy and utilities solutions such as renewable energy, waste-to-energy, wastewater treatment and water recycling brought to VSIP’s various integrated townships and industrial parks as well as other Becamex-owned industrial parks and facilities in Vietnam. The first completed project under this collaboration is a 51 kilowatt-peak rooftop solar farm atop the 12,000-square foot VSIP administrative building in Binh Duong province. The solar panels installed will provide renewable energy and lower the carbon footprint for this building.
Incorporated in June 2020, VSSES combines the sustainable energy and urban solutions and operational expertise offered by Sembcorp, with the strong local experience and partnerships forged by VSIP and Becamex. VSSES aims to deliver economic and environmental benefits to customers and stakeholders through the provision of best-in-class rooftop solar solutions to VSIP’s various integrated townships and industrial parks, as well as Becamex-owned industrial parks and facilities across Vietnam. Together, this network represents over 1,000 potential business customers eligible for converting to renewable energy through VSSES’ solutions. VSSES has built a team of local and regional experts to service customers in Vietnam centrally via its headquarters. The office will also be a centre for training employees on renewable energy operations, including digital applications.
1 November 2020
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Scam.SG's TrustScore is an AI-driven engine that evaluates a business's trustworthiness by analysing data such as customer feedback, behavioral patterns, and compliance records. This comprehensive assessment results in a numerical score reflecting the entity's reliability.