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Local agritech start-up Singrow has been working to build a robotic system for automatic harvesting and pollination in efforts to boost its vertical farming operations. The company has launched several proprietary crop varieties - such as red and white strawberries, cherry tomatoes, komatsuna mustard vegetables and saffron - to date. Last June, it applied for a Productivity Solutions Grant to boost its efforts to build the prototype for the robotic system, as its own cash flow was not sufficient to support the project, said founder and chief executive Bao Shengjie.
4 March 2022
“We want to promote a better kind of strawberry in Singapore,” says Dr. Shengjie Bao, director and co-founder of Singrow Pte Ltd., a Singaporean agtech company specializing in indoor production of strawberries, cherry tomatoes and other products. Shengjie and his co-founder Xu Tao founded Singrow Pte Ltd. to facilitate the production of imported produce in tropical regions, and what better way to start than with strawberries. As Shengjie explains that Singapore’s strawberry supply is plagued by three main problems, namely the high costs, inconsistent supply and sourness of fruit due to sourness mainly because of variety issues. As most of the varieties shipped to Singapore are ever-bearing varieties, which by rights are not for direct consumption.
Since the start of the year, investments of at least $40 million from both public and private sources have been made in agri-food tech start-ups. Home-grown start-up Singrow is working closely with ESG for its expansion plans. The company has benefited from the Startup SG Accelerator programme since receiving mentorship guidance on top of investment support last year. The programme helped Singrow develop innovative cultivation methods for high-value crops such as strawberries. Set in a repurposed sports hall with a 6.5m-tall ceiling, the company's indoor farm spans 500 sq m. It can produce up to eight tonnes of strawberries per year at full capacity - 20 times more compared with what a conventional strawberry farm of the same size can achieve. Dr Bao Shengjie, co-founder and chief executive officer of Singrow, said that the controlled environment of the indoor farm - its lighting, temperature, concentration of carbon dioxide and the acidity of the soil made of coconut peat - has helped reduce the time needed to cultivate the strawberries by around 30 per cent.
26 June 2020
Singrow, for instance, combines proprietary cultivation methods with innovative technologies to enhance the growth of high-value crops, while significantly reducing their cultivation period. This technology can also be applied to other crops that are in higher demand now, including leafy vegetables, said the company. Since the start of the year, Singapore’s agri-food tech start-ups have benefited from more than S$40 million in investments coming from both the public and private sector, said Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry Koh Poh Koon on Friday during a visit to Singrow. There have been various initiatives to support the growth of the agri-food tech start-up ecosystem, noted ESG.
26 June 2020