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AARDVARK LABS PRIVATE LIMITED has a TrustScore of 61. Our system is actively collecting and analyzing information about this business. Additional data points are being verified and processed.
Our preliminary analysis has revealed key insights about AARDVARK LABS PRIVATE LIMITED's performance and market presence. Here‘s a summary of our findings:
Has been operational for several years
Official business profile found on major search engines
Aardvark Labs and Padang & Co have jointly launched CATALYST Collaborative Workspace, a co-working space that seeks to support medical and health technology startups and clinician-innovators, according to an announcement. Officiated by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister-in-charge of the Smart Nation Initiative, MoUs were signed between Aardvark Labs and SingHealth, National Healthcare Group (NHG), and National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC). CATALYST is a first-of-its-kind innovation hub for the medical and health technology ecosystem. It brings together public and private practice clinician-innovators and other healthcare professionals; startups; corporate and other ecosystem partners, to create new partnerships that deliver better health outcomes and meaningful business impact.
Singapore-based medtech startup Aardvark Labs and Padang & Co, an innovation catalyst, joined forces to launch Catalyst, a co-working space which aims to creates new partnerships that deliver real health outcomes and meaningful business impact in the healthcare industry. At Catalyst’s official launch on August 19, Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) were signed between Aardvark Labs and SingHealth, National Healthcare Group (NHG), and National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC). SingHealth and NHG are two of Singapore’s largest public healthcare clusters and NHIC coordinates and supports commercialisation activities of Singapore’s clinical community. Under the MoUs, Catalyst will offer clinician-innovators and start-ups nurtured by the healthcare clusters access to events, programmes, and partners to help accelerate their development. Currently, more than 10 international and local startups have already established themselves at Catalyst, including AEvice Health, Biorithm, ConnectedLife, Crely Healthcare,, Precision Medical and Privi Medical.
20 August 2019
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Scam.SG's TrustScore is an AI-driven engine that evaluates a business's trustworthiness by analysing data such as customer feedback, behavioral patterns, and compliance records. This comprehensive assessment results in a numerical score reflecting the entity's reliability.