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TLKR PTE. LTD. has a TrustScore of 76. Businesses in this range are generally considered reliable. However, it's still advisable to conduct reasonable checks before engaging in transactions.
Our preliminary analysis has revealed key insights about TLKR PTE. LTD.'s performance and market presence. Here‘s a summary of our findings:
Has been operational for several years
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Singapore-based co-living operator The Assembly Place announced that it has invested in 2MR Labs (Tomorrow Labs), a company founded in 2022 by Arthur Lin and Takahiro Irie, with a vision to bridge Web2 businesses to Web3 technologies. The Assembly Place invested in 2MR Labs alongside Temasek's Heliconia Capital and venture capital Lucid Blue Ventures, which focuses on early or start-up phase projects in DeFi (decentralised finance), gaming and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). However, the amount invested by the firms was not disclosed. "We invested in 2MR Labs because of their ability to build our community in the web3 space," says Eugene Lim, founder and CEO of The Assembly Place. "Many of our members are 30 years and below and are savvy in this field. Other than just renting a room with us, we want them to continue to be our members even after leaving the place."
-- UOL Group Limited leads list of 2022 awardees with diverse wins that include the titles of Best Developer, Best Transnational Developer, and Best Hospitality Developer -- Aurum Land (Private) Limited, GuocoLand, Fairview Developments Pte Ltd (a unit of Tong Eng Group), and The Assembly Place also dominate the Developer categories -- Michelle Yong, CEO of Aurum Land and CEO and founder of Core Collective, receives the award for Singapore Real Estate Personality of the Year
Singapore-based co-living operator The Assembly Place (TAP) has agreed to acquire Libeto, operator of the Commontown Singapore’s co-living space. The acquisition was made through a share swap, says Eugene Lim, founder and CEO of TAP. The Commontown co-living brand was created by a Korean construction company, which was started in Seoul, South Korea, in early 2017. It has four locations in Seoul. When Commontown debuted in Singapore in 2018, it was considered a pioneer co-living operator from Seoul to open here. To date, Commontown Singapore has 120 rooms across 10 locations, including Newton One and Newton 21, which are both within walking distance of the Newton MRT Interchange Station; Adria at Derbyshire Road and One Moulmein, both located in the Novena area; as well as Urbana and UE Square in River Valley. All 120 rooms in Commontown Singapore’s portfolio are fully leased to date.
Singapore co-living tech startup, The Assembly Place (TAP), has agreed with Libeto Pte Ltd, operator of the co-living spaces under the brand, to acquire all of its assets in Singapore, including its head leases and subleases amounting to around 120 rooms. Currently, Commontown Singapore’s occupancy is at 100%. This acquisition will increase TAP’s presence in the Singapore co-living market to over 600 operational rooms with another 200 rooms in the pipeline ready to be launched by May 2022. This acquisition re-affirms TAP’s commitment to expanding its presence in Singapore. TAP will be launching a 181-bed co-living hostel at 25A Perak Road and a 4-storey residential block at 257 Outram Road in April this year. Planning and construction are also underway for its serviced apartment assets at 3 Tank Road, 272 East Coast Road, and 18 Penhas Road, all of which are slated for launch by Q4 this year. All these assets are under a management contract model.
Homegrown start-up and co-living player The Assembly Place (TAP) announced on Nov 9 that it has raised $5.55 million in a seed funding round, led by Eric Low See Ching. Low is the deputy CEO of Singapore-listed property group Oxley Holdings and its second biggest shareholder with a 28.13% stake. Homegrown start-up and co-living player The Assembly Place (TAP) announced on Nov 9 that it has raised $5.55 million in a seed funding round, led by Eric Low See Ching. Low is the deputy CEO of Singapore-listed property group Oxley Holdings and its second biggest shareholder with a 28.13% stake.
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Scam.SG's TrustScore is an AI-driven engine that evaluates a business's trustworthiness by analysing data such as customer feedback, behavioral patterns, and compliance records. This comprehensive assessment results in a numerical score reflecting the entity's reliability.